Privacy Policy

Information Notice 
Privacy pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679

To pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the "Regulation"), Dune Camp (hereinafter "Dune Camp"), hereafter provides its customers, including potential, as well as third parties in general (e.g. proxies, legal representatives, etc.) who come into contact with it on behalf of or on behalf of the customers, including potential ones (the 'Interested Parties'), the information required by the regulations concerning the processing of their personal data ("Personal Data").

1.- Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

Dune Camp is the entity that processes the data of the Interested Parties and, for the purposes of the Law, is considered the Data Controller of the Personal Data. In this capacity it is responsible for ensuring the application of organisational and technical measures appropriate to data protection in compliance with the provisions of the regulations in force.

Dune Camp has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO), who is responsible for to ensure compliance with the regulations for the protection of privacy contacted, for matters concerning the processing of Personal Data, at the following address:

2.-Methods of collecting Personal Data

I Personal Data subject to processing activities by the Controller

The Personal Data processed by the Controller may be acquired from the Data Subject, including through the techniques of distance communication which the Controller uses (e.g. websites, apps for smartphones and tablets, call centres, etc.);

3.- Categories of Personal Data processed

I Personal Data processed by the Controller include, by way of example:

  • navigation data (e.g. IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the users who connect to the site, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server and other parameters relating to the operating system and browser used used by the user, log);
  • data (e.g. first name, surname, tax code, address, date and place of birth, nationality);
  • contact data (e.g. telephone numbers, landline and/or mobile, email address);
  • data forprofiling and marketing data (e.g. interests and passions);
  • other datathat fall into the above categories.

4.-Purpose and legal basis of processing

I Personal Data, under the specified conditions, will be processed for the purposes indicated below:

- Registration;
to the website and management of requests for contact and/or information

The processing of the data subject's personal data takes place in order to carry out the activities preliminary and consequent to the request for registration to the website if applicable, as well as for the management of requests for information and contact and/or sending of informative material, as well as for the fulfilment of any other obligation arising.

Basis legal basis for such processing is the fulfilment of the services inherent to the registration, information and contact requests and/or sending of information material and the fulfilment of legal obligations.

The provision of data is optional, however, any refusal by the however, any refusal by the interested party to provide the data will make it impossible for the Controller to provide the service requested.

Execution of the contract

I Personal data will be processed for the management of the contractual relationship (for example, for the invoicing of fees, the management of payments or complaints payments or complaints that you may forward to us) and for the provision of the requested services available through the website.

- Basis;
legal basis for such processing is the fulfilment of the services inherent to the contractual relationship and compliance with legal obligations.

The provision of data is optional, however, any refusal by the however, any refusal on the part of the interested party to provide the data will make it impossible for the Controller to provide the services requested.

fulfilment of legal obligations, defending a right in a judicial or extrajudicial. proceedings and fraud prevention

I Personal Data will be processed for the fulfilment of legal obligations, as well as to ascertain, exercise or defend a right of the Controller and/or defend against claims of others, in judicial or extrajudicial proceedings. In particular, the Owner may process Personal Data for the fulfilment of obligations accounting, tax and for the fulfilment of measures of the judicial authorities for the prevention and suppression of crimes.

Basis of such processing is the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the Holder taking into account the balancing of the rights of the latter and of the Data Subject.

- Activities;
promotional activities on Services/Products similar to those purchased

The processing of the Data Subject's personal data is carried out for the purpose of sending communications relating to promotions and offers of Services/Products of the Controller dentical and/or similar to those covered by the current contract with the Data Subject, unless the data subject has objected to such processing initially or during occasion of subsequent communications.

Basis of such processing is the legitimate interest of the Controller to promoting products or services in which the customer may reasonably be interested, taking into account the balancing of the rights of the latter and of the Controller.

The Interested Party has the right to object at any time, for reasons related to his or her his personal situation, to the processing of personal data concerning him for the the purpose in question.

- Activities;
promotional activities on Services/Products offered by Dune Camp

The processing of the data subject's personal data is carried out for the purpose of sending, subject to specific specific consent, communications of promotions and offers of Services/Products of the Owner through traditional methods (e.g. mail mail, telephone calls with operator) and/or automated (e.g. e-mail, SMS, MMS, fax, pre-recorded telephone calls).

Basis legal basis for such processing is the consent given by the Data Subject prior to the processing itself, which may be revoked freely and at any time, without any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing operations previously carried out.

Any refusal by the data subject to give consent shall make it impossible to use the the use of the relative services, without this entailing consequences prejudicial consequences for the contractual relationship with the data controller.

- Purposes;
marketing purposes related to products or services of Dune Camp's partners

The processing of the data subject's personal data takes place for the purpose of sending, subject to specific consent, communications of promotions and offers of services/products of Dune Camp's business partners through traditional means (e.g. ordinary mail, telephone calls with operator) and/or automated (e.g. e-mail, SMS, MMS, pre-recorded phone calls). pre-recorded phone calls).

Basis of such processing is the consent given by the person concerned prior to the processing itself, which can be revoked freely and at any time, without any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing operations previously carried out.

Any refusal by the data subject to give consent shall make it impossible to use the the use of the relative services, without this entailing consequences prejudicial to the contractual relationship with the data controller.


The processing of Personal Data, including location data, socio-demographic data socio-demographic data acquired during the provision of the communication services and from public sources, of the Data Subject is processed subject to specific consent, for profiling purposes such as analysis of the data data transmitted and Services/Products purchased in order to propose advertising advertising and/or commercial proposals in line with the choices made by the users themselves. This activity will be carried out in aggregate and anonymised by implementing models for analysing customer data using statistical algorithms using statistical algorithms, predictive models and aggregations only for the time strictly necessary for the purposes pursued, the type of goods marketed or services rendered.

In any case, Personal Data will not be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling, that produce legal effects or similarly significantly affect on the data subject.

Basis of such processing is the consent given by the Data Subject prior to the processing itself, which may be revoked freely and at any time, without any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing operations previously carried out.

Any refusal by the data subject to give consent shall make it impossible to use the use of the relative services, without this entailing consequences prejudicial consequences for the contractual relationship with the data controller.

5.-Recipients of personal data

I personal data collected may be communicated to subjects who will act as depending on the case as autonomous Data Controllers or Data Processors, for the purposes mentioned above, in fulfilment of legal, regulatory and/or deriving from EU regulations or because they have a legitimate interest.

In particular, Personal Data may be made available to:

  • subjects in charge of carrying out activities connected and instrumental to the processing (filing service companies, IT service companies, social media management companies, social media management services companies, marketing companies, insurance companies, banking institutions);
  • business partners of Dune Camp;
  • public administrations, authorities and other parties in fulfilment of legal obligations;
  • I Personal Data will not be disseminated (made available to unspecified unspecified).

6.- Transfer of data to third countries

I Personal Data of the Data Subject are stored in archives located in countries of the European Union. Where necessary for the pursuit of the stated purposes declared, the Data Subject's Data may be transferred abroad to countries/organisations outside the European Union which guarantee a level of protection of personal data deemed adequate by the European Commission by its Commission's decision, or on the basis of other appropriate safeguards, such as the appropriate, such as the Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission or the consent of the Data Subject. The Data Subject has the right to obtain a copy of any Data transferred abroad, as well as a list of the countries/organisations to which the Data has been transferred by writing to

7.- Period of retention of personal data

I Data will be kept in a form that allows the identification the Data Subject for a period of time not exceeding that necessary for the achievement of the purposes for which it was collected, taking into consideration of the laws applicable to the activities and sectors in which the Data Controller operates. Once this period has expired, the Data shall be deleted or transformed into anonymous form, unless their further storage is necessary to fulfil obligations (e.g. tax and accounting) that remain even after termination of the contract (art. 2220 of the Civil Code) or to comply with orders issued by public authorities and/or supervisory bodies.

The duration of the cookies used on the site can be consulted in the relevant Notice

In case of litigation, the storage period indicated above may be extended extended up to 10 years from the settlement of the dispute.

8.- Processing methods

The processing shall be carried out by authorised personnel who need to have knowledge of it in the performance of their activities, with the aid of electronic instruments, according to principles of lawfulness and correctness, so as to protect the confidentiality and rights of the interested party at all times in compliance with the provisions of current legislation.

The marketing-related profiling (analysis of habits and consumption choices) consumption choices) is carried out by means of an automated process in order to  study and analysing behavioural profiles and aspects characterising the customer base in order to customers in order to optimise the promotional activities of  products and services.

9.- Rights of the interested party

The Data Subject has the right to request from the Data Controller

  • the confirmation as to whether or not personal data relating to him/her are being processed, and if so, to obtain access to it (right of access);
  • the rectification of inaccurate Personal Data or integration of incomplete Personal Data incomplete Personal Data (right of rectification);
  • the deletion of Personal Data if one of the reasons provided for by the provided for in the Privacy Regulation (right to be forgotten);
  • the limitation of the processing of Personal Data when one of the cases cases provided for by the Privacy Regulation (right to limitation);
  • to receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format machine-readable format the Personal Data to be provided to the Controller and to transmit such data to another Data Controller (right to portability);
  •  to object at any time in whole or in part to the processing carried out for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Controller and for the purposes of marketing and profiling (right to object);
  • to withdraw any consent to the processing of Personal Data, at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation.

The consent given for the performance of marketing activities by means of automated contact (e.g. sms, mms, fax, phone, e-mail web applications) also extends to traditional contact methods (paper mail or telephone call with operator). Similarly, the objection to the performance of marketing activities by means of automated contact methods also extends to traditional contact methods.

This is without prejudice to your right to provide consent or to exercise your right of opposition in relation to only one of the two ways of performing the marketing activities.

For exercise their rights, the data subject may send a message to the mailbox contact or a written communication to the Data Controller at the registered office of Dune Camp.

The Interested Party also has the right to lodge a complaint with the Control Authority competent on the Italian territory (Guarantor Authority for the protection of authority) or to the one that performs its duties and exercises its powers in the Member State where the infringement took place, as provided for in Article 77 of the Regulation, as well as to take appropriate legal action pursuant to Articles 78 and 79 of the Regulation.